WarsawKrakow Seminar on Economics and AI


The seminar is organised by Piotr Faliszewski from AGH University of Science and Technology and by Piotr Skowron and Oskar Skibski from the University of Warsaw. The goal of the seminar is to tighten collaboration between the respective teams interested in computational social choice, social networks analysis, algorithmic game theory, and mechanism design.

We usually meet on the first Thursday of the month at 12:00.

Mailing List

The mailing list of the seminar is ai-econ@mimuw.edu.pl. You can subscribe to this list here (the subscription web-page is available from the internal network of the University of Warsaw) or you can send a subscription request to p.skowron@mimuw.edu.pl.


2024-10-03:  Georgios Papasotiropoulos (University of Warsaw)
As Time Goes By: Adding a Temporal Dimension Towards Resolving Delegations in Liquid Democracy

2024-06-06:  Mini-Workshop
Starts at 3pm in room 5050

2024-05-16:  Łukasz Janeczko (AGH)
Discovering Consistent Subelections

2024-05-16:  Grzegorz Pierczyński (AGH)
Single-Winner Voting with Alliances: Avoiding the Spoiler Effect

2024-04-04: Gleb Polevoy (Paderborn)
Attaining Equilibria Using Control Sets

2024-03-14: Andrzej Kaczmarczyk (AGH)
Selecting the Most Conflicting Pair of Candidates

2024-02-01: Tomáš Masařík (University of Warsaw)
A Generalised Theory of Proportionality in Collective Decision Making

2024-01-25: Piotr Faliszewski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
Guide to Experiments in COMSOC

2023-12-07: Tomasz Wąs (LAMSADE, Paris)
Fairly Allocating Goods and (Terrible) Chores

2023-11-09: Grzegorz Lisowski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
Strategic Cost Selection in Participatory Budgeting

2023-10-05: Oskar Skibski (University of Warsaw)
Vitality Indices and Game-Theoretic Centralities

2023-06-22: Jarosław Flis (Jagiellonian University)
(PL) Ordynacja Proporcjonalno-Lokalna — ordynacja dla Polski?

2023-05-04: Grzegorz Pierczyński (University of Warsaw)
Market-Based Explanations of Collective Decisions

2023-03-02: Sonja Kraiczy (University of Oxford)
Properties of the Mallows Model Depending on the Number of Alternatives: A Warning for an Experimentalist

2023-02-02: Oskar Skibski (University of Warsaw)
Closeness centrality via the Condorcet principle

2023-01-05: Piotr Faliszewski (AGH University of Science and Technology)
Map of Elections: Diversity, Polarization, and Agreement In Elections (+ some more)

2022-12-08: Piotr Skowron (University of Warsaw)
Proportionality in General Social Choice Models

2022-11-03: Łukasz Janeczko (AGH University of Science and Technology)
Ties in Multiwinner Approval Voting

2022-10-06: Marcin Dziubiński (University of Warsaw)
Selecting a Winner with Impartial Referees

2022-07-06: Stanisław Szufa (AGH University of Science and Technology)
Numerical Experiments in Computational Social Choice

2022-06-08: Marcin Waniek (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Social diffusion sources can escape detection